11 Apr An Easter Paper Project in 10 Easy Steps…
I’ve always loved making cards or pictures over Easter time and during this lockdown period I wanted to do something creative with my niece during our Zoom chat. My brother keeps chickens and she loves them, so I thought we’d make something chicken themed together out of old magazines. I drew a chicken template last night which I emailed over so that we could work on the same thing together this morning. So, I thought I’d share what we did plus a couple of extra things you can play around with as a bit of an Easter paper project.
1. Download and then print out my line drawn chicken template here: Chicken Template
2. Find an old magazine/s which are fine to tear up
3. Pour out some pva glue into a dish ( or if you can’t find any glue, just mix up a tablespoon of flour with some water until it’s gloopy )
4. Start to collect a colour palette of torn magazine pages so you’ll have lots of choice
5. Cover the areas of the chicken’s body which you’d like to work on first with a thin layer of glue or paste 6. Start to tear some rough strips of the magazine paper, allowing for curl so that they appear more feather-like.
7. Start attaching the pieces to your chicken as if they were feathers.
8. Keep applying torn coloured strips until the chicken’s body is covered.The head and legs are quite a intricate areas so you might want to use paint or pencil crayon to add smaller details.
9. The head and legs are quite a intricate areas so you might want to use paint or pencil crayon to add smaller details.
10. Finally, use some wider strips of paper to create the ground the chicken is standing on
After lunch my brother sent me a photo of my niece’s picture…and some new born chicks where they live!
…the template can also just be used for a really simple bit of colouring in or painting And for any of you who also like a colláge using apps, I used Snapseed and Juxtaposer to edit in various photos on my camera roll to create the digital chicken below…
Happy Easter!
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