Wednesday…with Taking a Moment in Time
When I was growing up, my parents gave me two very different takes on the world; Dad was annoyingly straight forward and very logical and Mum was much more likely to go with the flow and get distracted...
When I was growing up, my parents gave me two very different takes on the world; Dad was annoyingly straight forward and very logical and Mum was much more likely to go with the flow and get distracted...
The garden is particularly lush at the moment and everything, apart from me, is growing up...
On Saturday I ran one of my small workshops here at home, and had been sorting out the flowers during the week...
It seems like ages since my last post, so I thought I’d better do a bit of a catch up...
A little while ago the lovely Brooklyn based jeweller Jaqueline Stone from Salt + Stone asked if I’d like to collaborate with her and work with some of her new ocean inspired jewellery...
The garden is transforming at the moment and so many flowers are coming back like old friends...
Yesterday I had to deliver some prints to a family in Warwickshire, and I was completely blown away by the settings where they lived...
Last week I did my first ever Pecha Kucha talk as part of an event curated by Viva Brighton magazine and artist and illustrator Zara Wood aka: Woody. It was a fantastic evening with 10 amazing talks from local creatives...
This morning I was meant to be doing loads of stuff but when my friend asked if I’d go for an early walk, I just did ( although I’ve been catching up all afternoon as a consequence!! )...
I’m always determined to get the most use out of flowers even if they seem past it, so this morning I was utilising the severely wilted hydrangeas I bought last week, which I’d hoped would last much longer to put together some images for...