30 Jan Friday…with colour cravings
When I was pregnant with my son I didn’t crave coal, or peanut butter with fish and chips for example, but I did crave colours; one week I could only eat green, another week was red food, etc, etc…
I still crave colours although it doesn’t overlap into food now, but today I was desperate for some blue and thought that’s what the table needed…
But, going out into the garden was a bit of a disappointment with so little colour to choose from ( the snow drops aren’t even out yet, although they’re very close…)
The colours that really stood out were the bright greens of the Montbretia shoots and the light green of the struggling Oxalis leaves… …there are a few other strugglers indoors too, although the carnations seem to be thriving ( I’m trying really hard to like carnations; the petals are ok, but I struggle with the texture of the buds and stems…)
The narcissi have all started turning papery too…
But the sharp greens from the garden had awakened new colour feelings and I knew I had to add some orange…and then the carnations and narcissi would also be put to good use!
In my blue-er moment this morning I’d set about designing and making some notepads as part of the goodie bag for my workshop, but then I had to make more colours of those too!
So it seems that blue was probably the base note today, pastels were the tempo and orange and yellow were the tune.
Posted at 11:25h, 31 JanuaryHello! I LOVE LOVE this color combo so much!! What a great job you did on it and so nice to read the story behind it. I’m glad the green inspired you and the gorgeous results that came from it. Blue is a favorite of mine too.
I’m trying to think of a way to start doing something like this too, without flowers since I don’t have the amazing variety that you have. I love my table though and would love to do something like this for the year. Will keep you posted if I figure it out.
Thank your for the beautiful way you bring color into my days, they make happy each time.