Monday…with an Autumn Workshop Date

Photo 09-08-2015 16 11 00 There’s nothing quite like Autumn, and although I’ve only caught vague whiffs of orchards and faint glimpses of a change of light so far, I know I’ve probably only imagined it as we’re currently in the height of Summer, but basically for me, Autumn can never arrive too early…

And this Autumn I wanted to indulge the long awaited ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’, and so with Anna Potter from Swallows and Damsons we have put together an Autumn workshop on Saturday October 17th in Sheffield where we will encourage you to indulge your floral feelings and harvest hankerings!

There is just so much to play with during this season…
IMG_9230IMG_0523 IMG_1162 IMG_0895 IMG_0088 …and the changes in light are so soft, romantic and easy…IMG_0444IMG_0825 …then there’s the smell…IMG_1256the leaves…IMG_0213the berries…IMG_9322

image the soups ( and root vegetables )…IMG_9538 not to mention pumpkins and all sorts of squash…IMG_1303 IMG_0860 IMG_1155

A few weeks ago I went up to Sheffield to meet Anna…

I spent a lot of my youth working in the North of England so it was a real treat to see Sheffield again…

I didn’t get to see The Peak District on this trip up, but if you come to the workshop, and if you can make time to, you should visit as it really is beautiful…( Ladybower Reservoir and its surrounding countryside is one of my favourite places )
Photo 27-06-2015 12 43 14 Anna’s shop is not only full of gorgeous flowers but also bulging with props and no end of containers…Photo 27-06-2015 12 37 42 Photo 27-06-2015 12 43 02 Photo 27-06-2015 12 41 50 Photo 27-06-2015 12 38 17 ( not to mention amazing copper lights! )Photo 27-06-2015 12 46 26 We visited 156 Arundel Street which is where our workshop is being held ad I fell in love with the space; the textures, light, furniture and bakery is really fantastic…Photo 27-06-2015 10 12 59 Photo 27-06-2015 10 12 44 Photo 27-06-2015 11 57 52 Photo 27-06-2015 10 13 25 During the workshop Anna will focus on vase arrangements…IMG_1459whereas I will focus on flat lay table arrangements…more like floral illustrations, poems or swags…IMG_8958 IMG_1316 IMG_9348IMG_1321Colour is a massive thing in Autumn so we will both be spending time with you finding the movement and sensitivity in colour…IMG_9862IMG_1242IMG_1246IMG_0984…and I love focusing on the beauty which emerges through mess; through the things we may pass on or throw away…I like to utilise everything, encouraging consideration of every texture and colour available…often the best bits of a composition can be found rolling away from you on the floor!IMG_1255I’ll be encouraging rough play and arbitrary throwing of berries, petals, nuts ( and probably some condiments too! )

The best ideas come from something you hadn’t planned and everything nature wants to do, and then the trick is to combine your composition with it.IMG_9608

There will be loads of vintage props, colour areas, drapes and wall hangings and obviously some amazing flowers to choose from to help with each composition,  and we will also be providing lunch and tea, and styling it together specially for the event, so that you’ll have a complete multi sensory, seasonal experience from vase to table…

If you would like to come to the workshop, you can book your place here

We’re so excited about putting this together and it will be brilliant to meet some more floral enthusiasts!

If you want to ask any questions please feel feel to e-mail me at ( or in the form at the end of this post )image

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