
Monday…with pop ups and perfume

imageOrganising things in colour and making copious amounts of lists ( black ink with red crossing out…) helps me manage my time, my brain and everything else really!

At the moment I have lots of different projects occupying my head, which is great creatively, but also sometimes it all becomes one big arrangement of abstract colour and amorphous shape…hard to explain; even harder to sort out, which is why colour really helps me…( the arrangement above was a sort of calming down exercise, and the cup of tea just out of shot also helped! )

So I thought I’d better put a post together including quite a few of the bits and pieces that are about to happen over the next couple of months…West Elm Pop Up e-flyer

One of the most exciting things is that I’ll be curating and exhibiting in a Pop Up shop at West Elm in London over the weekend of the 14th and 15th November, and it would be really lovely to be able to meet some of you there if you can make it ( there’s a Facebook event page here  )

It’s going to be a bit like taking my Brighton Open House on tour, as lots of my regular guest artists will be exhibiting and selling their beautiful handmade work and paintings as well.

To give you a taste of the sort of things which will be there you can check out all the amazing work of the artists taking part here:

Me ( Philippa Stanton…paintings and 5ftinf ), Holly Bell ( ceramics ), Sophie Abbott ( paintings ), Mibo ( paper animals and textiles ), Tiki Brighton ( contemporary resin jewellery ), Holly M ( leather accesories ), Shyama Ruffell ( paintings and butterfly boxes )

These artists will also be exhibiting their work, along with Emma Herian, Charlotte Jones, Sushou Candles, Tilly2Milly and Peggy Poppleton, in my own home at my Christmas Open House in Brighton during the 2 weekends after, so you can get a sense of how you’ll be able to stock up with handmade Christmas goodies both in London and the South Coast from the flyer below, as well as visit a new Christmas shed installation. ( there’s an IG account for the house here )

There will also be a new shed installation which has a working title of  ‘Ice Pops’ ( stay tuned on IG with the hashtag #5ftinfshed as it takes shape over the next few weeks )

And the flyers arrived this morning!

( here it is so you can read it… )
I’m also running a practical synaesthesia painting workshop for The Perfume Society this week on the 29th October ( you can read more about it here ), working with Illuminum London fragrances, as well as having created the front cover for this month’s Scented Letter.There is also a new date for a Grimms inspired small wreath making workshop in the rooftop wigwam at The Queen of Hoxton on Sat 12th December, 2 – 4:30pm…which includes a free cocktail in the ticket price! . ( You can book a ticket for £45 and read more info  here )

So now I have to finish the large canvas I’m currently working on…I hope it dries in time!

P.S Only 6 days left on the 20% discount with Checkout code: CALENDAR2016 in my shop here