03 Nov Monday…with rain
Today is incredibly dark, cold and very wet and windy…
So it was quite tricky getting still shots of the plants this morning, with freezing hands, wet iphone screen and constantly bouncing stems…I determined to go out into the garden in the rain though, and utilise whatever it had to offer…
The nasturtiums are the only really colourful thing left at the moment ( this large leaf just wouldn’t keep still in the wind…)but the perennial wallflowers have started going crazy…the one in the foreground is yellow and the one in the background is purple. The purple one was new this year, but I don’t remember the yellow one going this mad last Autumn…
I’ve been saving the poppy heads, but I think they’ve really had it in the garden now…
So I was led by green and the rain this morning…
I hate wasting anything, and really wanted to use even the raggedy elements of the garden and put something together which reflected what the day is like today…
…but I also couldn’t resist a bit of colour ordering too, adding moss, cranberries, orange pyracantha berries, african violets, honey suckle, hydrangea leaves, valerian, sumac leaves, chocolate cosmos and red-currants!
P.S Everything in italics is clickable 😉
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