24 Jan Saturday…
It’s amazing what a bit of sun can do…I always feel that so much more can be accomplished when the sun’s out; I don’t ever actually accomplish as much as I’ve initially thought I could in the morning, but I love feeling the positive possibilities…
I was working in the shed yesterday, and finally thought that the ranunculous from before Christmas should actually be thrown away now…I’d kept their heads in case they could be of any use, but I thought they’d finally had it, so took them to the garden incinerator… …where I discovered a fantastic, textured surface
Some of the heads had fallen on the lid and I noticed that the combination of light, lid and colour were beautiful…
In the shed I decided to add a personal bit of inspiration for these Winter months…
Judy Garland; the woman, the voice, the emotion, the fragility…the many things she represents has been a constant in my life for years, so she’s back in view!
…before I attack a weekend drawer-sorting!
It was also great to see some little surprises on the potting table…
Calendula seedlings seem to have missed the cold up by the house…
…and a slightly mystery plant my mum gave me in the Autumn ( I think it was a mini iris sort of thing ) and which I thought was dead, has sprouted in a random cup of rainwater!
Valerian gets everywhere and I pull a lot of the seedling up, but sort of liked the cleverness of this one; finding a flowerpot crack to squeeze into…
…some ivy, which again I thought had died seems to be carrying on regardless…
the jasmine I rescued last year also hasn’t been affected by the frost…
…and I think these may be the gold laced primulas coming through…big fingers crossed!
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