I’ve not been quite on the button with my Weekly Snaps since the Summer for some reason..I’ve been having to play catch up on a few weeks, this being another...

I’ve been desperate for September to arrive so that I can talk about Autumn and the wonderful sense of change it brings: it’s smells, it’s colours, it’s light, it’s sounds, without feeling like I’m betraying Summer (...

I tried so hard to get these ‘Weekly Snaps’ up here on Sunday evening at the same time as my Steller Story, but for some reason my blog is proving a bit of a nightmare re uploading images at the moment, so these images have taken...

[video width="480" height="480" mp4="http://www.5ftinf.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Video-16-05-2016-18-59-25.mp4"][/video] [video width="480" height="480" mp4="http://www.5ftinf.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Video-20-05-2016-14-45-20.mp4"][/video] See the Steller Story version here...