For about a week or so every October, just before the frosts, wind and rain, my Virginia Creeper literally makes my garden glow, and the late flowering nasturtiums are such a welcome compliment of colour...

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] You can see the Steller Story version here...

For the last few weeks I joined in the Colour Lovers project on Instagram for the first time, encouraged by Xanthe Berkely, so I thought I’d put together a selection of my colour tables and some of the other things ‘ordinary’ things that I’ve seen...

The snow from the weekend has melted, but the frost has set in this week, which is something I don’t mind at all if it doesn’t kill the echiums and the sun is shining...