My 15 year old son is a real film geek; all things from the original Japanese ‘Godzilla’ to Ben Wheatley’s ‘A Field in England’, ‘Close Encounters’ and ‘Dune’ to ‘Rebecca’ and ‘Whatever Happened to Baby Jane’, and he is also a massive Stanley Kubrick fan and has, over the past couple of years, opened up a much broader love of film for me too, and particularly the combination of those artist filmmakers. So as we’ve been in London this week for his work experience, we couldn’t miss ‘Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick’ at Somerset House; an exhibition of artist’s work inspired by the film work of Kubrick, and I have to say it is AMAZING!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen my son quite as inspired at any other exhibition, and we’ve been to a fair few. And what’s more, hanging out round the fountains in Somerset House in the sun is so relaxing!
So below are some highlights; a taster, but really you should go and experience it for yourself if you can!