26 Nov Thursday…with a Garden Catch up ( and a Colour Code discount! )
So, after loads and loads of rain over the past few weeks I decided to have a look around my forlorn garden…there’s loads going on; growing and hibernating, but I feel like I’ve neglected things for a couple of weeks and I needed to re-aquaint myself with the Wintry tasks ahead…
Succulents and echiums doing well…but looking scraggy and needing a tidy…
…Action Man unfazed by the recent cold snap!
the Virginia creeper and perennial peas looking sharp for becoming wreath components…
…rogue calendula and pineapple sage flowers
…and expectant conifer
…sedums from the florist in the Autumn, stuck in the ground and multiplying…
…and the whole school of nasturtiums destroyed by the frost last Saturday morning…
( the messiest end of the garden! )
…the last shasta daisy
So, although the garden is looking a bit bleak, I thought I’d offer a ‘ Colourful Thursday ‘ discount code for my shop which will last a week…I feel a bit odd about the ‘Black Friday’ madness, so thought I’d branch off in my own weekday way…
You can use the 15% discount code at the Checkout, and you just enter: 5FTINFCOLOUR
P.S the yellow achilea in the photo above are the exact same pieces I picked 2 and half months ago, as the ones you can just see on the corner of the wrapping paper!
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