07 Aug Tuesday…with some new Workshop News!
At last I have some new workshop news to share with you!
So, I will be running a Full Day creative workshop on Sept 8th on The Isle of Wight as part of the creative retreat which has been organised by Laura at From Britain with Love.
It’s for a small group of people and looks like such a relaxing but also really creatively stimulating weekend in very unique accomodation by Tiny Homes.
My workshop day will be exploring some of the elements which will appear in my new book Conscious Creativity which comes out in November ( but which you can pre order here ).
I’ll be exploring how to use use your instinct, intuition and whatever is around you to help discover ideas and notice details and we’ll be looking at:
…and in the afternoon we’ll be going on a sensory woodland walk to connect to everything right in front of us and under our noses and how inspiring that can be.
There are loads more details on the From Britain With Love website here, which is also where you can book your place.
It would be lovely to meet some of you, and help you to explore you Conscious Creativity!
( P.S There are only 6 places left, but there are also a few day tickets for my workshop available too )
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