20 Oct Tuesday…with Vase To Table catch up
I spent an amazing few days away in Sheffield this weekend, running the Vase to Table Autumn workshop with Anna Potter from Swallows and Damsons in the amazing venue 156 Arundel St, run by photographer India Hobson… ( and staying at the wonderful hotel Brocco on the Park which I’ll write a separate post about later this week… )
The photos below are from the set up to the finalé….
We set up the space the afternoon before; organising vintage backdrops and colour ordered props…
…and then Anna and I laid and ‘dressed’ the table for the workshop lunch and tea…
Anna worked with everyone in the morning,creating beautiful autumnal arrangements in fantastic cement pots…
We encouraged as much mess as possible…it’s always far more creative and freeing…
everyone was able to move their arrangements around the room trying out different backdrops and textured walls…
and then we had lunch!
After lunch I wanted to make use of all sorts of cast off bits and pieces from the morning…
and my starting point is always colour ordering…
before adding the natural textures,,,
Then everyone else spent the afternoon on their arrangements on the floor as the textures down there were amazing…
After tea, we all embarked on a communal colour ombré which was manic, exciting and very colourful
…and then India and I took that a little further with the colour coding of sticks and twigs which were about to get thrown away
…and these were the pieces of marvellousness which got to go home with everyone!
It was a fantastic day, made really wonderful by the students ( you can see images from @fridakim_london , @thisisjules, @yiyouniya , @hannahiwilson , @pollenfloraljoy and @leafycouture @swallowsanddamsons @indiahobson and @156arundelst ) the macaroons ( by Showmejoni ), the space…and of course the flowers
You can see the Steller Story version here
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