13 May Wednesday…with garden and a Pop Up
I’m always determined to get the most use out of flowers even if they seem past it, so this morning I was utilising the severely wilted hydrangeas I bought last week, which I’d hoped would last much longer to put together some images for the 5ftinf Pop Up which will be part of the Brighton Fringe for this weekend.
Some of the flowers here I’ve had for nearly 3 weeks, and some of them are now destined for the bin…
…but not before they have completely exhausted their purpose!
…I also like to mix in things from the garden like this golden marjoram, seed heads from grape hyacinths, dog rose leaves, oxalis and forget – me – nots…
…the real remnants must be wept away!!
But the garden at the moment is really coming alive with the chives about to flower and the heuchera really putting some energy into everything…
…but I’m really excited about these Oriental Poppies which will probably flower by next week…
I’ve also moved the succulents near to Frances Doherty’s sculpture, and putting them in a copper trough seems to have kept the snails and slugs away for the time being…
Love these poppies with the blue spruce…
The fennel is doing well and I think the campanula may flower next week too, so this area will be completely blue!
…I love how this ceramic sculpture make the lacecap hydrangea actually look like it’s flowering already…
…and the Giant Echium’s final journey has begun…
…as it has at long last started to produce flowers
…and hopefully these 2 will take up the baton for next year
And my first Arum Lily!
Not massively impressive I know; it’s been a bit battered by the winter, but I’m hopeful now that there could be more to come……and this is the first flowering aqueligea from one of the plants I rescued from the tip last year…
The Ceonothus is now actually planted in the ground by the shed, rather than in the pot which kept blowing over…
…and the first of some wild carrot amongst the honeysuckle, whose seeds I scattered all over the garden last Autumn…
So there were 2 happy beings in the sunny garden this morning, and fingers crossed it stays sunny over the weekend for the Pop Up and Open House!
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